Way of Martial House

Martial House

 WGKA Goju Ryu Curriculum

The Way of Success in Life

Produced 2021

(About our Curriculum)


The senior black belt Goju curriculum has been split into 3 separate curriculums. Mighty Mite (3-6 years), Pee Wee (7-11 years) and Juniors (12-17 years), all feeding into the 4th complete curriculum, the Senior (18 years and older), which conclusively, feeds into the 5th curriculum – the Dan grade. These 5 curriculums contain the complete Goju System at Martial House WGKA Karate.

The Kyu grade curriculum to Black Belt has 5 parts for each level. The Dan Grade Curriculum is made up of the following 6 parts:

  1. Basics
  2. Kihon
  3. Kata & Bunkai
  4. Self-Defence 
  5. Kumite
  6. Weapons – knife

All of these curriculums are delivered by qualified caring instructors and instructor-trainees who undertake the instructor trainee 5-year program. The program includes 10 levels to black belt, and another 10 levels above black belt. Qualification for each level is certified by the issue of a certificate designating the level that the recipient is authorised to teach. This 5-year program is underpinned by an instructions course that covers the 10 levels to black belt, completion of 672 hours of training and 672 hours of teaching. The Dan grade curriculum is covered by additional programs with terms of 4, 5 or more years depending on the level of teaching authority sought.

The Martial House WGKA Karate Kata and Bunkai list for the complete curriculum follows:

9th Kyu Taikyoku Jodan Taikyoku Chudan
8th Kyu Taikyoku Gedan Ich Taikyoku Gedan Ni
7th Kyu Uchi Uke Kake Uke Ich
6th Kyu Kake Uke Ni Mawashi Ich
5th Kyu Mawashi Ni Mawashi San
4th Kyu Gekesai Ich, Gekasai Ni Gekesai Bunkai
3rd Kyu Saifa Saifa Bunkai
2nd Kyu Seeinchin Seeinchin Bunkai
1st Kyu Sanchin Sanchin Bunkai
Shodan Ho Tensho Tensho Bunkai
1st Dan Sanchin-Tensho, Sanseru Sanseru Bunkai
2nd Dan Seisan Seisan Bunkai
3rd Dan Shisochin Shisochin Bunkai
4th Dan Seipai Seipai Bunkai
5th Dan Kururunfa Kururunfa Bunkai
6th Dan Superimpei Superimpei Bunkai
7th Dan Happoren (Babulien) Happoren Bunkai (WC)
8th Dan Kakufa (Hakucho) Kakufa Bunkai (WC)
9th Dan Neipai Neipai Bunkai (WC)
10th Dan Hakusuru Hakusuru Bunkai (WC)

The best way to start, book into introductory program of 4 classes, conference & free uniform at discount price of $39.95

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